Saturday 4 May 2024

Things I Can Tell:the Death of Medicine

This is the continuation of my autobiography, Things I Can Tell.

In it I fall on Dr Larry Pavlevsky and others to give context as to how the covid era has destroyed western medicine even as it was previously known and is being replaced on medicine-by- algorithm which tells medical practitioners how they diagnose and treat "approved diseases".

I then illustrate this with my own personal experience with my local medical centre with whom I am registered (and therefore, more-or-less stuck with) and the trouble that ensures when you challenge them and their malpractice.


Or HERE on the internet archive.

Here is the introduction:


Ten months after writing my autobiography, Things I Can Tell I feel it necessary to bring it up to date with my story with the medical system. In particular, my relationship with the local medical centre that has caused me so much stress.

It is in part an attempt to collect everything together in one place.

But it is also an attempt to do justice to all the people who were failed miserably by the system and ended up in my clinic. I was able to help many through my work with people with allergies but at the very least I was able to listen to their stories.

Foremost in my mind are people with serious conditions who were dismissed and told it was “all your mind”. I remember the lady who paid $500 (and that is 20 years ago) and was fobbed off by the specialist because he was running late for a lunch appointment (“ you can pay at the reception”).

In particular, I remember Haydn, who came to me with a severe allergic reaction to a toxic drug called cisapride, prescribed for digestive conditions. After being on the drug for a period he developed serious “side effects” including severe headaches. Instead of taking notice of his patient, his doctor’s reaction was to prescribe even higher doses of the drug!  Once a healthy man, the last time I saw him he was, like me, getting around with the help of a Zimmer frame.

Another primary motivation in documenting this is to provide a context for what I call the death of medicine.

Of great help in developing my understanding of this in the years of the pandemic has been to listen to Dr Larry Pavlevsky, a New York paediatrician who has described the easy move away from the way western medicine was traditionally practised, with lots of questions being asked to form a differential diagnosis, to medicine-by-algorithm.

I shall discuss this at more length in the following chapters.

Pavlevsky describes how this situation has been developing over the past 30 years or so. He gives as an example modern parenting, whereby the parents are on hand to solve any problem their child has, rather than helping them to work things out for themselves.

My own acupuncture practice goes back 10-20 years before I became ill, and I could see all the elements in play back then. 

While I was still studying I was influenced by a book called “Your Health at Risk: what doctors and the government aren't telling you” written by New Zealander, Dr Toni Jeffries

In it she describes a flow chart taught at medical schools at the time, whereby students were taught to believe that up to 45% of their patients would say they were ill, but would not actually be ill.

According to the flowchart, only 15 of every 100 who visited a doctor actually “need help”. 35% would clear up because, according to them, most illness does.  Then there’s the 45% who claim to be Ill but medicine has ‘decided’ are not ill.

What this means is that the 15% who are acceptable are so because they have symptoms which are acceptable and verifiable in the laboratory.”

The dismissal of the 85%, with placebos and platitudes,and at a price, is all extremely convenient for an inadequate medicine with entirely the wrong paradigm about illness and what constitutes human health and I have established to my own satisfaction that one can be just about dead, but if the tests don’t perform in the narrow way they’re trained to accept, well then, ‘you're not sick, dear’ “ (p. 263)

That certainly rings some bells!

But it gets worse than that.

Dr Jeffreys also  describes another dogma taught in medical schools called somatic symptom disorder. According  to this,  if a condition is not self-limiting, because they are taught 35% are, and if commonly-prescribed medical tests fail to come up with anything, it is regarded as psychosomatic - in the patient’s head.

I am unable to confirm the existence of the flowchart cited above but have little difficulty believing it.  However, I can confirm the term somatic symptom disorder. 

There is an item on it in Wikipedia:

As well as here:

“Somatic symptom disorder (SSD formerly known as "somatization disorder" or" somatoform disorder") is a form of mental illness that causes one or more bodily symptoms, including pain. The symptoms may or may not be traceable to a physical cause including general medical conditions, other mental illnesses, or substance abuse. But regardless, they cause excessive and disproportionate levels of distress.”

So there we have it. That is the thinking of the folk at my medical centre.

When it comes to differential diagnosis, I know it exists because I have experienced it, but always within hospital setting and never with general practitioners. I have also noticed that the doctors who have the skill to ask pertinent questions (or with skills such as bone setting) are all from somewhere else. I'd wager they received their medical training somewhere else, not in New Zealand.

Furthermore, I am pretty sure these skilled doctors are part of a dying breed as the health sector loses skilled practitioners and everything moves towards the use of algorithms

Since the covid-19 pandemic this already parlous state of affairs has got immeasurably worse and doctors have been given licence by the “health” authorities to stop practising medicine, even as it was understood by previous generations of doctors.

The future of medicine seems to lie in an mRNA gene therapy for everything. 

When introducing the Therapeutic Goods Act (which may be, but probably won’t be rescinded) the then Minister of Health, Andrew Little said straightforwardly:

It enables New Zealand to take advantage of advances in medicine, such as cell and tissue therapies, emerging gene therapies and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning software. Having risk-proportionate approval systems will approve access to necessary and life-saving medicine, such as vaccines in a pandemic.”

That's Orwellian double-speak for you, given the numbers who have succumbed to the Pfizer gene therapy jab in this country. 

But before introducing their dystopian ‘Brave New World’ they first had to take away people’s access to health-giving herbs and spices through the Therapeutic Goods Act and natural medicines, as well as to take away our liberties in most aspects of our lives, even though the 1990 Bill of Rights Act is still on the books.

I am going to fill out more on what is happening to western medicine according to Dr Pavlevsky.  That includes the story from 2020, as well as the “vaccinations”. 

I shall then tell my own story in subsequent chapters. I warn that there will be some repetition, because this story is gleaned from various articles I have written.

In it she describes a flow chart taught at medical schools at the time, whereby students were taught to believe that up to 45% of their patients would say they were ill, but would not actually be ill.

According to the flowchart, only 15 of every 100 who visited a doctor actually “need help”. 35% would clear up because, according to them, most illness does.  Then there’s the 45% who claim to be Ill but medicine has ‘decided’ are not ill.

What this means is that the 15% who are acceptable are so because they have symptoms which are acceptable and verifiable in the laboratory.”

The dismissal of the 85%, with placebos and platitudes,and at a price, is all extremely convenient for an inadequate medicine with entirely the wrong paradigm about illness and what constitutes human health and I have established to my own satisfaction that one can be just about dead, but if the tests don’t perform in the narrow way they’re trained to accept, well then, ‘you're not sick, dear’ “ (p. 263)

That certainly rings some bells!

But it gets worse than that.

Dr Jeffreys also describes another dogma taught in medical schools called somatic symptom disorder. According to this,  if a condition is not self-limiting, because they are taught 35% are, and if commonly-prescribed medical tests fail to come up with anything, it is regarded as psychosomatic - in the patient’s head.

I am unable to confirm the existence of the flowchart cited above but have little difficulty believing it.  However, I can confirm the term somatic symptom disorder. 

There is an item on it in Wikipedia:

As well as here:

“Somatic symptom disorder (SSD formerly known as "somatization disorder" or" somatoform disorder") is a form of mental illness that causes one or more bodily symptoms, including pain. The symptoms may or may not be traceable to a physical cause including general medical conditions, other mental illnesses, or substance abuse. But regardless, they cause excessive and disproportionate levels of distress.”

So there we have it. That is the thinking of the folk at my medical centre.

When it comes to differential diagnosis, I know it exists because I have experienced it, but always within the hospital setting and never with general practitioners. I have also noticed that the doctors who have the skill to ask pertinent questions (or with skills such as bone setting) are all from somewhere else. I'd wager they received their medical training somewhere else, not in New Zealand.

Furthermore, I am pretty sure these skilled doctors are part of a dying breed as the health sector loses skilled practitioners and everything moves towards the use of algorithms

Since the covid-19 pandemic this already parlous state of affairs has got immeasurably worse and doctors have been given licence by the “health” authorities to stop practising medicine, even as it was understood by previous generations of doctors.

The future of medicine seems to lie in an mRNA gene therapy for everything. 

When introducing the Therapeutic Goods Act (which may be, but probably won’t wont be rescinded) the then Minister of Health, Andrew Little said straightforwardly:

It enables New Zealand to take advantage of advances in medicine, such as cell and tissue therapies, emerging gene therapies and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning software. Having risk-proportionate approval systems will approve access to necessary and life-saving medicine, such as vaccines in a pandemic.”

That's Orwellian double-speak for you, given the numbers who have succumbed to the Pfizer gene therapy jab in this country. 

But before introducing their dystopian ‘Brave New World’ they first had to take away people’s access to health-giving herbs and spices through the Therapeutic Goods Act and natural medicines, as well as to take away our liberties in most aspects of our lives, even though the 1990 Bill of Rights Act is still on the books.

I am going to fill out more on what is happening to western medicine according to Dr Pavlevsky.  That includes the story from 2020, as well as the “vaccinations”. 

I shall then tell my own story in subsequent chapters. I warn that there will be some repetition because this story is gleaned from various articles I have written.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Psychopathy in medicine

I have written an article setting out. the latest shenanigans from my local medical centre and how they continue to block me from being heard with my well-set-out complaints.

Everything I have said or thought about the medical practice and how they have left all clinical medicine behind for medicine-by algorithm have been confirmed since having the chance to read my patient notes and from an encounter with REAL clinical medicine at the Hutt Hospital in the weekend have been confirmed.

Listening to M. Scott Peck and his description of Evil 

People who are evil attack others instead of facing their own failures” 

has given me true insight into what I have endured.

For some bizarre reason this discussion with the meek psychiatrist was age-restricted by You Tube

Read the article HERE

All my articles are now at

I suggest you bookmark it.

Saturday 24 February 2024


The original article is HERE


If this goes ahead it could be "game over" for humanity

This is the most important and frankly, frightening item of i

nformation that I have seen and so far the only source seems to be 

the HIghwire.

I have on seen the following article from iCan, the Highwire’s legal arm.


A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the 

RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may 

sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works

ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government 

agencies involved.

It seems the government and the military are so enthused about this new vaccine deployment technology that Congress tucked a law, the PREVENT Pandemics Act, into the 2023 omnibus appropriations bill to facilitate it. Among other things, the Act has a section dedicated to Platform Technologies that supports the “development 

and review of new treatments and countermeasures that use cutting-edge, 

adaptable platform technologies that can be incorporated or used in more than one drug or biological product.”

This item on the Highwire discusses this in detail


Watch HERE

This is how Del Bigtree frames it (from the above video)


He goes on


Here are some of the articles referred to.


DARPA Seeks First-in-Human Therapeutic Interfering Particles Targeting Respiratory Viruses

This shows the official government interest

This is the face behind all this, Leor Weinberger

In 2016

Engineering Our Way to Next Generation Therapies

In 2020, and he is declaring victory over CreationCan we create vaccines that mutate and spread?

Watch HERE

It has reached the level of government

HHS issued a $4.8 million grant to VxBiosciences for “Autonomously Deploying, 

Co-evolving SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral.” The grant was for engineering “therapeutic molecular parasites of SARS-CoV-2 that can co-adapt and transmit among infected hosts … acting as single-administration therapies that circumvent compliance issues.”

It has been incorporated into US government legislation

It seems the government and the military are so enthused about this new vaccine deployment technology that Congress tucked a law, the PREVENT Pandemics Act, into the 2023 omnibus appropriations bill to facilitate it. Among other things, the Act has a section dedicated to Platform Technologies that supports the “development and review of new treatments and countermeasures that use cutting-edge, adaptable platform technologies that can be incorporated or used in more 

than one drug or biological product.”

Prevent Pandemics Act 2022

What can go wrong?

This is from no less than the World Economic Forum, albeit from back i

n 2015.

Read the article HERE

This is Del’s conclusion
